The Hottest Online Business to Start Right Now!

Wanting to create a recurring income that will fit into your homesteading lifestyle? This trending business model is the answer!

When thinking about what online business to start that will compliment your homesteading lifestyle and bring in recurring revenue, there is one model that stands apart from all others.

Here's a hint ... recurring income, potentially bringing in thousands of dollars each month while working as little as 4 hours a week once it's set up.

Oh, and it's one of the biggest trends in business today.

Think about what Netflix, Amazon, your local gym or favourite football team have in common.


Homestead memberships provide options to be part of a community through monthly or annual payments recurring payments. Today more than ever memberships are popping up in all manner of industries.

• Software
• Food delivery - precooked meals and DIY
• Sporting clubs - hockey, golf, football
• Art Classes - for adults and children, from drawing and cartoons to watercolour and finger painting
• Dog training
• Gardening
• Wine or book clubs
• Subscription boxes for foods, crafting, woodcraft

And perhaps the one that surprised me the most ... bacon!  Yes, there are numerous very lucrative Bacon memberships!

So, you can see memberships come in all manner of topics and offer a host of benefits to the membership owner.

A great opportunity to create a recurring income ...

Offering monthly and annual subscriptions means a guaranteed income each month, for as long as the members get perceived value and remain in the membership.

As a front-end membership to your business, costs can be as low as $27, $37 or $47 per month, which reduces the barrier to entry, so it becomes a ‘no brainer’ for people to say yes.

As your membership grows and gains popularity, you can either allow more members in or limit the number of members who come in with restricted cart open times.

You want extra income?

All you have to do is open the cart more regularly or to raise your prices for future cart opens.  

Let’s take you through and example ...  

You start a membership for homesteaders wanting to raise and know everything about chickens.

The membership opens at a price of $27 per month and you have 100 members sign up.  This means are venue of $2,700 per month or $32,000 annually.

You might start your membership at $27 per month and overtime increase it to $47, $97 or $147 to any new members –the choice is yours.

Now what if you had an annual subscription option where members got two months for free and paid just $270 for the year. This gives you an influx of funds each time you open the cart.

Now if 80 membership joined at $27 that's of $2,160 per month, and 20 jumped at the annual offer of $270 per year that's upfront revenue of $5,400.

You might use the annual revenue to reinvested for your marketing and bigger ticket items such as your membership platform and software.  

The monthly subscriptions can be used for paying yourself and any staff or assistants in your business.

Create a Community of Like-Minded People

Meetup inside the Membership

More than ever today, people crave connection with like-minded people who have the same values and beliefs which immediately creates trust and belonging.

Homesteaders are looking to get back to a simpler way of living and learn new skills so they can take responsibility for their own future, step outside the ‘system’ and take back their own sovereignty.

Memberships make it easy for them to connect, get help and support so they don’t have to do it all on their own.

And memberships targeting special interests within the homesteading niche will mean a more engaged and committed membership community.

Create Exclusivity for Your Content

FOMO is real!

Who hasn’t jumped at an opportunity for fear they might miss out?

Creating an exclusive environment where you get to share your wealth of knowledge on a particular topic is a way to increase your authority and perceived value in the marketplace.

Within your community, you get to deliver focused content to your members without them having to search all over the internet which saves them time and money.

You can also invite on guest speakers or share member testimonials.

It is the way for you to become a guru, the go to person when someone needs help. It might also mean invitations for you to speak or be featured at various homesteading events, on podcasts, social platforms or magazines.

Builds Your Email List

As you will know, access to social media can be revoked at any time. Building your email list, and staying connected with it, is one of the most valuable assets an online business can have.  

Your email list is yours!  You own it!

Most importantly though, if social media goes away, you have your list that you can be used at any time to make more sales, seek referrals and add affiliate income.

Build Trust with Your Memberships for Other Purchasing Opportunities

Homestead memberships can be built as a stand-alone business or as part of a package of different offers to help your members to further develop their skills or knowledge.

Coaching packages, exclusive product offers, courses, affiliate tools and resources could all be part of your offering that your members can purchase from you, which increases your overall revenue potential.

Remember that once a customer purchases from you, whether a one-offsale, or a membership, they are more likely to purchase from you again.  The membership might well be the start of a lucrative lifetime customer value.

Schedule Content Ahead of Time

Once you’ve got your homestead membership set up and understand the needs of your members, your content can be created ahead of time and scheduled into your membership portal.

It’s important to remember that members want to feel like they are achieving their reason for joining the membership, whether it’s learning how to crochet, paint, garden, raise pigs or meat birds, make jam or preserve food, start a business, buy and pay off a homestead, the 101 ways to cook bacon, create a community for support, get fit ... the type of memberships are seriously endless.

However, what members don’t want or need, is to feel overwhelmed or that they are behind in their progress.

So, as you think about content, it’s easy to then block to time to create bite size pieces of content that will give your members a sense of achievement, keep them engaged and better still, paying to be part of your membership each month.

What will your homestead membership be?

Whether you’re just starting out or have a business already a membership is a great addition to your business arsenal.

Join me in the Homesteaders Business to Lifestyle Journey Membership so you can get the help and support to start your membership today.

Categories: : Membership, Monetizing Your Homestead Skills, Online Business