Talk about Fear When Starting A Business!

It's always exciting when you are anticipating something new, however the flip side to the excitement is the fear of 'what if' it doesn't work,

How to Overcome the Fear of Starting Your Homesteading Business

Let's talk about fear and starting your homesteading business!

What is your biggest fear about starting your homesteading business?

I'm guessing you'll come up with things like ..

Fear of failing
Fear of looking stupid because others might know more than you
Fear of wasting money
Fear of not being good enough
Fear of making a mistake
Fear of being ridiculed for trying something different
Fear of learning the tech side of things
Fear of marketing and posting on social media
Fear of 'selling'
Fear of success

Ok how did I go with guessing some or your fears?

I did say feaRs plural because it's never just one.

So here's how I see it...

With the fears I mentioned above, are they life or death decisions?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say .... umm no!

Me jumping from a perfectly good plane, now that could be a life and death decision.

If I fail I plummet to earth and die, because I couldn't see myself surviving a 10,000 ft fall.

Now let's revisit your fears.

And let's FLIP them ...

Fear of failing - Failing is simply learning how not to do something so you can try again with a different perspective.

Fear of looking stupid - To who?  Those who have been in business and are making more money?  Guess what?  They're not your customers or clients.  

To those who haven't done what you can do?  Well to them     

YOU are aMAZing!!!

Fear of wasting money - and money spent is a learning experience and what if you create an abundant recurring income?

Fear of not being good enough - to the complete novice, you are better than good, you're an expert

Fear of making a mistake - mistakes make you stronger and you learn from them. Remember, as a kid you probably fell down and bumped your head umteen dozen times.  What did you do about it?  You got right back up and tried again and again.  It's the same in business.

Fear of being ridiculed for trying something different - those that ridicule and judge are merely presenting a reflection of their own internal fears.  Those fears centre around you changing and doing something they maybe wish they could do.

Fear of learning the tech side of things - hey if you're reading this, then you are techie because you're either using a phone or a computer, right?

Fear of marketing and posting on social media - when you started a new job, you had to learn what to do right? Same same in learning how to market your business online. Focus on one step at a time until you have understand how to do it.  Become a master in marketing and social media by doing. 

Fear of 'selling' - when you can attract the right audience, connect with them on a belief level, and help to solve a problem that they have, you're not selling, you're a supporting problem solver that is giving them the resources to learn and grow.

Fear of success isn't success what you want from your business? Success comes in increments, sometimes taking months or years, and guess what? You grow into your success and learn to manage as you grow.

And if you're just starting out, then read the 10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Your Business.

Categories: : business