9 Steps To Make The Next 90 Days Count!

If you are, here are 9 Steps you can take right now to do it. (And a little secret, schedule then in every 90-days from now on!)

Plan to win in the next 90-days!

There's 90 days to turn this 2020 sh*t show around and make it memorable for the right reasons.

Are you up for it?

Look, I'm going to be honest here, my emotions have been all over the place in the last few weeks.
With lockdowns and forced mask wearing here in Victoria ...... I've struggled.

But you know what?  

It's time to get my big girl pants on, knuckle down and focus on creating the best 90 days in my business.  

Are you ready to do the same?

What can you focus one so that come 2021 you'll be able to look back and say "damn girl, you made something of 2020 and business is set to explode".

If you are, here are 9 Steps you can take right now to do it. (And a little secret, schedule then in every 90-days from now on!)

Strap in ladies, here goes.......

1.  Prepare for your 90-Day Business Planning Session

Warn your family you will be unavailable for the day.  Better still, preferably plan 2 days so you can give yourself and your business the time needed to gain clarity and prepare for your 'go get 'em' 90 days.

 If you can, book a hotel for a weekend so you have uninterrupted quality time, out of your normal environment to concentrate with no distractions.

If you have to plan from home, set the ground rules for everyone to know you will be unavailable.  Play that game - pretend like I'm not here!  Value your time and your business and be uncompromising.  You deserve this time to plan.
Grab a Do Not Disturb sign on your office door.  

Meal prep, for you and the family - unless you have someone who can feed the kids without needing your help. 

Put together a schedule of time blocks so that you can sit quietly to focus.  

Set aside say 4 x 2 hour time blocks with a 15-30min break in between for food and comfort breaks.

Get together your diary, note pads, coloured sticky notes, computer, A3 sheets of paper, coloured  textures,  calculator and blue tack - I'll explain use of these later.

2. Take your Business Planning Session Time Out

Get dressed for your business and go to your Business Planning space.

A great way to keep track of your time is to already have the timing app Toggl downloaded to your phone and/or computer. You can record your activities and set up your scheduled activity and break times.

Remember to have all your stationery supplies with you.

3.  Establish your Number One Priority for the next 90 days   
What is it that you want to achieve in your business and why? 

I'm going to say it ..... what is your 90 Day INCOME GOAL and why is that your focus?  
More than that though, what is the one business activity you can focus on to achieve it?
ONE income producing activity!  That's it....one!

By focusing on one activity you can have clarity about what is entailed to achieve your goal.  It will limit the risk of shiny object syndrome which can drag you away from what is important in your business.

4. Plan with the end in mind
Take your income goal and One Income Producing Activity, then calculate how many products/services you need to sell/provide to reach your income goal?

  • Break it down into 3 x 30 day blocks 
  • Break down your 30 day figure into weekly figures

5.  Plan your weekly activities
Here's where you're going to get your sticky notes and big sheets of paper and reverse engineer your plan.  

Break down what activities are required each week so that they accumulate for you to reach your 30 - 60 - 90 day goal.

Think about the details and step-by-step process so that all activities are listed.

Things to consider:

  • How can you be most productive and work in your genius zone?
  • What can you outsource that will save you time and stop procrastination?
  • What is desirable versus what actually needed?  Keep it simple.
  • Remember - Done is better than perfect.
  • Use your sticky notes and big sheets of paper to do mind mapping or flow charts - 

Whatever process you need to break down all of the tasks.  Play with these. 
Stick them on a wall or a window and rearrange them as you need.

6.  Record your Weekly To-Do Lists
Now take a photo of your wall and notes so you have a record. 
Add the activities to your diary or create a Trello board so you can track your progress each week.

7.  Choose your reward!
Often in business you focus on what you haven't done, instead of celebrating the wins.
Set yourself a reward for achieving success with your 90-day plan.    

Instead of just one though, celebrate the small wins each week. 

Your weekly reward might be a coffee out with friends, a massage or facial. 

Make it something that you really will appreciate and enjoy for all your efforts.

For your 90-day reward it might be a dinner with your spouse, new additions to your wardrobe, a weekend away.  Make it special.

8.  Find an accountability partner 
To stay on track to achieve your goals, find an accountability partner who you can check in each week, even twice a week.  

Consider joining in a group coaching program where you can bounce ideas off a number of business owners and also help them out too.

This is a valuable part of the business success process so when any limiting believes or excuses arise, you can have a conversation and talk through how to get back on track.

9.  Celebrate your wins

Build your confidence, acknowledge your achievements and celebrate your wins.

When you get to the end of the week, reward yourself.  You've worked hard and you deserve to celebrate.  

Don't make excuses as to why you shouldn't, you're worthy of success and when you can recognise your efforts, others will too.

Oh, make sure you join in my Facebook group Women In Business, Success Through Collaboration and share with other mum's like you who are ready for success.

I'd love to know if these steps have been helpful and for sure let me know by dropping a comment below.

Let's build momentum to the end of the year!

The Business To Lifestyle Journey

Now if you're thinking - "I'm stuck, I'm not sure what to actually put together and how to do it, then you've come to the right place. "

The Homesteaders Business to Lifestyle Journey membership is the supportive community of homesteading moms all on the same journey.  It will map out the path for you and the simple step-by-step roadmap to gain clarity and focus on implementing income producing activity - tech and all!

Overcome your fear of not being perfect, gain the support to help you focus on one thing and get it done! 

Imperfect action to create the success you are looking for and start bringing in income right now! 

Click Here to JOIN NOW .. 

Categories: : Monetizing Your Homestead Skills